BerkeleyX: ColWri2.1x - College Writing 2.1x: Principles of Written English

College Writing 2.1x: Principles of Written English

An introduction to academic writing for English Language Learners, focusing on essay development, grammatical correctness, and self-editing.


College Writing 2.1x is an introduction to academic writing for English Language Learners, focusing on essay development, grammatical correctness, and self-editing. The five-week course will comprise a review of basic grammar terminology and understanding; writing effective sentences and paragraphs; introductions and conclusions; strategies for writing longer texts; and thesis statements. The course materials will be offered via readings and videos. A course workbook, in ebook form, will be used for additional writing work. The students will participate in online discussions as well as peer review of their writing. Students will complete one full essay for this part of the course.
In partnership with the U.S. Department of State
UC Berkeley is partnering with the U.S. Department of State to extend the reach of College Writing 2X. Participating U.S. Embassies will host in-person, facilitated discussions sessions around the course content in order to maximize the learning experience. The State Department-supported EducationUSA network will also offer facilitated discussions in some locations for students interested in pursuing higher education in the United States. This partnership is part of the English Education Alliance (E2A), a global effort of the U.S. Department of State to address the global demand for 21st century English language skills.


Simply Audit this Course

Can't commit to all of the lectures, assignments, and tests? Audit this course and have complete access to all of the course material, tests, and the online discussion forum. You decide what and how much you want to do.

Try for a Certificate

Looking to test your mettle? Participate in all of the course's activities and abide by the edX Honor Code. If your work is satisfactory, you'll receive a personalized certificate to showcase your achievement.


Maggie Sokolik
Maggie Sokolik
Dr. Sokolik received her Ph.D. in applied linguistics from the University of California, Los Angeles. After her Ph.D., she did post-doctoral work in Paris, France, and has been a faculty member at Harvard University, MIT, Texas A&M, and Northern Arizona University. She has taught writing and technical communication at UC Berkeley since 1992. She is the author of over twenty ESL and composition textbooks. She is an English Language Specialist for the U.S. Department of State, and travels frequently to speak about grammar, writing, and instructor education, most recently to China, Turkey, Mexico, and India. She also writes fiction, and her first novel, Too Late for Houston, will be published by Wayzgoose Press in late 2013/early 2014. She lives with her husband near Berkeley, CA.


Students should be proficient enough in English to follow an introductory level university course.